Android is one of the best operating system available on this planet that made a revolutionary change in smartphone technology and making people smart. There are an endless number of features, uses that comes with android devices. One of them is Wi-Fi Hotspot and Tethering. If you have ever used a smartphone then you must hear to this feature. If you want to know how you can set up and use Wi-Fi Hotspot and Tethering on your android device then you are at right place here.
Set Up and Use Wifi Hotspot and Tethering on any
Android Device:-
Every android device comes with WiFi Hotspot and Tethering option. If you are not aware of Wi-Fi Hotspot and Tethering then you must know that it is a portable Wi-Fi Hotspot in your device which you can use to share internet with other devices around. The device should be located in the specific range of Wi-Fi Hotspot to get better internet speed. Enabling WiFi Hotspot and Tethering option differs in every android device because of different UI and interface.
How to Enable WiFi Hotspot on Samsung Devices:-
1- First of all open App drawer.
2- Now, Click on Settings.
3- Here, head to [su_highlight background=”#ddff99″ color=”#050505″]Connections> Mobile Hotspot and Tethering.[/su_highlight]
4- Now click on Mobile Hotspot option.
5- Here, you can set the name and password of your Samsung Device’s Wi-Fi Hotspot.
6- After configuring, click on OK.
7- Now simply connect other devices by tap on network’s name then enter password.
How to Enable WiFi Hotspot on Stock Android and Google Pixel and Nexus Devices:-
1- First of all open App drawer.
2- Now, Click on Settings.
3- Here, head to [su_highlight background=”#ddff99″ color=”#050505″]Network and Internet> Hotspot and Tethering.[/su_highlight]
4- Now click on Wi-Fi Hotspot toggle then click on Setup Wi-Fi Hotspot option.
5- Here, you can set the name(Network’s SSID) and password of your Stock Android, Google Pixel and Nexus device’s Wi-Fi Hotspot.
6- After configuring, click on OK.
7- Now simply connect other devices by tap on network’s name then enter password.
How to Enable WiFi Hotspot on OnePlus Devices:-
1- First of all open App drawer.
2- Now, Click on Settings.
3- Here, head to [su_highlight background=”#ddff99″ color=”#050505″]More> Tethering and Portable Hotspot[/su_highlight].
4- Now tap on Setup Wi-Fi Hotspot option.
5- Here, you can set the name(Network’s SSID) and password of your OnePlus Device’s Wi-Fi Hotspot.
6- After configuring, click on Save.
7- Here click on Portable WiFi Hotspot option to enable it.
8- Now simply connect other devices by a tap on the network’s name then enter a password.
How to Disable Wi-Fi Hotspot in Android Device:-
> Simply tap on Settings then head to More/ Connections/ Hotspot and Tethering option> Disable WiFi Hotspot option here.
> Alternative and quick way is by pulling down the quick settings drawer then click on WiFi Hotspot icon to disable it.
How to Enable WiFi hotspot on Android Device, if it’s disabled or not present:-
If your android device does not have any option like Wifi Hotspot then you will need to root your android device. You can use the FoxFi app. This app is free to download from the Google Play Store. If you liked it you can go for the paid version for $7.95. Because FoxFi is an old app, therefore, it doesn’t support android device running on KitKat or later version. Below we have a list of compatible devices:-
– HTC phones (M7/8) will only work on Android 4.1 ~ 4.4.
– Verizon Sony phones (Z2/Z3) are supported by Android versions up to Android 6.0/6.1.
– Motorola phones will only work on Android 4.3 or below.
– AT&T Samsung phones will only work on Android 4.2 or below.
– Samsung phones (S3/4/5/6/7/Edge, Note 2/3/4/5 etc.) are supported by Android versions up to Android 6.0/6.1.
– Verizon LG phones (V10, G2/3/4/5 etc.) are supported by Android versions up to Android 6.0/6.1.
The Best Alternatives of FoxFi:-
If FoxFi does not work for you then you can try below apps. You can use them as a widget to simply enable/disable WiFi Hotspot.
– Extend Controls
– Elixir 2
– Portable WiFi Hotspot
– WiFi Hotspot Widget
Here you have successfully enabled WiFi Hotspot and Tethering on Your Android Device. Drop your comment below guys if you face any problem while enabling WiFi Hotspot and Tethering on Your Android Device. Stay tuned with CrackTech to get regular updates on upcoming gadgets and Android P. Enjoy!!!