How to Solve Overheat Android Device

How to Solve Overheat Android Device , Solve Overheat Android Device, Android

How to Solve Overheat Android Device

We Updatemydroid are back with another best of article for our be loved readers. Here we are talking about the basic reasons why an android device overheats. It doesn’t matter which brand’s android device you have! Overheating can be found on any android device. In some cases, you will find very that your android device not heats constantly or heats for some less time. Actually, it is normal for your android device because of high usage of CPU and GPU.

While in some other cases, if your android device heats constantly or for a longer period of time than that means your android device is in danger and you must take a step before your android device got damaged itself or can harm you. So keep on reading below to know the basics why an android device heats, and we will also tell you some tips to prevent your android device from overheating. So let’s begin..

[su_heading size=”22″] Basic: Why an Android Device Overheats? [/su_heading]

On the very basic and simplified, there are three major issues for the overheating of an android device, and they are:-

  1. Overheating due to Fault in Battery.
  2. Overheating during Software Upgrade.
  3. High App Usage: CPU and GPU overheating.

So let’s discuss all major issues of overheating of an android device briefly:-

1. Overheating due to Fault in Battery::-

This is normal if your android device overheats for a shorter period during connected to a Wi-Fi network or 3G/4G networks. On the other hand, if your battery overheats constantly then there is a fault in battery and if your battery heats up during charging then this is another sign that battery is damaged. 300-500 charging cycles is the life cycle for an android device’s battery. So you must replace your battery by 1-2 years of usage.

2. Overheating during Software Upgrade:-

Overheating during Software Upgrade in an android device is a rare. This problem arises due to might be the new software upgrade is causing some issue on that particular device. So the best solution here is to wait from the device’s manufacturing company for an official OTA update regard to fix this issue.

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3. High App Usage: CPU and GPU overheating:-

The main reason behind Overheating due to high CPU and GPU usage is due to high apps’ usage in an android device. This is common in all android device. Therefore, you have to do following steps to prevent overheating due to high CPU and GPU usage:-

Clean Junk files and App’s cache. Simply download an app from Google Play Store that can clean junk files and app’s caches. This step will not only prevent your android device from overheating but also increases the stability and performance of your device.

– Uninstall unuseful apps from your android deduce. Simply head to Settings> Apps> Installed apps. Here you will get a list of apps. Simply tap on any app that is not useful for you or you use that app very rare. Just uninstall that app.

– Be a smart user: Use 3G/4G/LTE network smartly. Using 4G/LTE networks constantly for a longer period may increase CPU usage. So use that network mode on when you really need.

[su_heading size=”22″] Tips to Prevent Your Android device from Overheating:- [/su_heading]

– Don’t use your phone while charging.
– ‎Uninstall unnecessary apps that will increase CPU usage results in overheating.
– Don’t play high end games for longer time.
– ‎Limit background apps’ usage. A number of apps process in background perform well. Simply force stop that app which you don’t need.
‎Disable pre-installed apps. There are many unwanted apps come with stock firmware. Simply disable that unwanted apps.
– ‎Limit your phone’s usage. Don’t invest your whole precious time in devices.
– ‎Detach your phone’s from cover to keep cool down your device.
– ‎Turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Hotspot when you don’t need them.
– ‎Use Ram booster, Clean master like apps to boost your device’s RAM and clean junk files.

Drop your comment below friends how much this article helped you and let us know if you are aware of any other method they not listed above. Stay tuned with Updatemydroid to get regular update on every upcoming gadgets and Android P. Enjoy!!!