The CS:GO Academy Model: Borrowed from Overwatch or More?

CS:GO Academy

Counter-Strike is one of the fastest-growing communities. This is almost 20 years after the game’s release, and there is no shame in that. In fact, has noticed some big changes around the competitive community, too. CS:GO is not a rigid title. It’s evolving all the time, and the introduction of the academy model is one of those big leaps forward. But hold on, does CS:GO need academies? As it turns out, many professional teams are prepared to invest in academies as they have long come to realize that the only way to bring the game to the next level is to really train new ones. CS:GO Academy-

Overwatch is already doing it, right? However, Overwatch has a very stiff entry-level as it’s not about skill or merit. It’s about if you have a rich enough organization that is willing to take on any extra mouths to feed. With the Overwatch League coming under some serious scrutiny, you can see how things aren’t exactly clear-cut.

But the good news is that Counter-Strike isn’t so elitist or pushy. What we mean to say is that unless you are good, nobody would pay much attention to you in the game (it’s a bit elitist this way). The plot twist is that if you demonstrate decent skills, though, you will be admitted to the world of competitive CS:GO academy right on the spot.

To take things a little further, though, many esports teams are now creating their own academies and organizations such as DreamHack and WePlay are actually hosting these academies as part of tournaments so that people may have an incentive to play even better. After all, when you come to think of it, you have soccer teams that will have 20 people as reserves, and probably hundreds of youngsters training as they hold the potential to perform really well in the long-term.

Whether they do is another matter altogether, but the thing here is that for esports teams and communities to keep developing, grassroots players must be supported. These bright new CS:GO stars will need to be trained by knowledgeable individuals who have it all figured out so that the same players may reveal and reach their true potential in the matter of months, and not over a decade trying to figure things out for themselves. Esports academies, and CS:GO academies in particular, are the future of esports. 


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