A lot of people don’t really understand why becoming and American Express merchant is such a big deal. And that is because they don’t really understand how the American Express system really works. In order to get a better understanding of the benefits that come with such an account one has to just visit their home page and do some research. He will understand that such an account is more than just a simple financial product. As is the case with Amex OptBlue. American Express wanted to go even further with their services and they invented the ultimate unifying service in the financial world.
What Is an American Express Merchant?
Over the years associating with strong institutions and organizations has proven very helpful for budding new businesses. This is due to the fact that associating your name with an already established brand projects and image of success and suggests that if that brand is trusted so can you be. This is one of the reasons why merchants all over the world seek to work with world famous brands and institutions such as American Express. But in the world of business, name isn’t the only thing that guarantees success. It has to be backed up by other strong arguments. This is the next big reason why merchants want to work with certain organizations. These organizations understood what their clients needed and set out to offer it to them. This is what American Express did and this is why so many people choose to work with them.
Being an American Express merchant means that you accept and can process payments made using American Express cards. This puts you in a select group where only a few have access. This is mainly due to the fact that the system American Express uses in order to operate can seem a bit prohibitive for some. American Express uses what they call a closed loop system. Which means that they are both the card issuer and the account operator. That translates to them not needing any kind of third party processor in order to process payments made with cards that they issue. This in turn creates a more secure system, with less data breaches being possible. Granted, becoming a merchant with American Express meant some extra costs, but people were happy to pay them, if that meant a more secure environment for them to work in.
The downside of this system though is that not many people can work with an American Express cardholder. They operate using their own system and set different prices for their transactions. That means that if you are not an American Express merchant you can’t really accept and process payments made with American Express cards. But more and more merchants want to get a piece of the American Express action. They understood that, even though this may cost them a little bit more now, they will be able to get more revenue in the long run. Accepting more types of credit cards means opening up to more potential clients. And that is what business nowadays is all about. A merchant has to be able to adapt to his clients’ needs and possibilities in order to evolve and expand his business. And this is just what this account helps you do.
How to Become an American Express Merchant?
The process of becoming an American Express merchant isn’t anything to be scared of. It doesn’t take any more than it would take with any other credit card issuer. The main difference is that the information they request might be a bit different. The entire process is done online and only takes a few minutes to fill out the forms. It all begins with visiting the dedicated American Express portal and providing the information requested. After filling out the form and submitting it, you’ll have to wait for it to be processed and for the pricing offer to be send. If you’re OK with the prices than all you have to do is confirm it and you are on your way.
If you get stuck anywhere along the way there’s no need to fear. The customer support team is ready to help you with anything you need. All you have to do I reach out and tell them where you hit a speedbump and they’ll make sure to get you back on your way to becoming and American Express merchant. Also, if you are still on the fence about signing up, you can go online and research others experiences. There are plenty of blogs and forums where people talk about their experiences with the company and what it meant to them associating with America Express and how it helped them.
How Can Amex Optblue Help?
Amex OptBlue is one of the best financial products ever to be created and released by the good people of American Express. It basically is a service which allows merchants everywhere improve their businesses without having to compromise on anything or having to pay extra. It was especially designed to help small businesses attract more clients and to make the company more use friendly, but it can very well be use by big companies as well. Amex OptBlue was create in order to bring together every entity involved in a transaction and help them work together without any kind of disruption.
When American Express launched Amex OptBlue they were literally helping all clients and merchants around the world work together easier and safer. The OptBlue was created in order to blur the line between Visa, MasterCard and American Express users. That means that American Express wanted their clients to be able to accept payments with any card without any extra costs and vice versa. It meant that clients and merchant could now buy and sell to and from one another using any card they had, without having the fear of extra charges or of delayed settlements.